How to Register a Block in WordPress

To register a block in WordPress, you will need to use the WordPress block API.

This API provides the necessary functions and hooks to create custom blocks and add them to your WordPress site.

Here is an example of how you can use the WordPress block API to register a custom block:


// Register the block using the block API
register_block_type( 'my-plugin/my-custom-block', array(
  'render_callback' => 'my_custom_block_render_callback',
) );

// The render callback function
function my_custom_block_render_callback( $attributes ) {
  // The block markup goes here
  return '<p>This is my custom block!</p>';

In this example, the register_block_type function is used to register the block with WordPress.

The first argument is the block name, and the second argument is an array of settings for the block.

In this case, we are defining a render_callback function that will be used to render the block when it is displayed on the page.

The render_callback function takes the block attributes as its only argument, and it should return the HTML markup for the block.

You can use this function to create the block markup and include any necessary styling or JavaScript.

Once you have registered your block, you can add it to your pages and posts by using the Gutenberg editor.

The block will appear in the “Custom Blocks” section, and you can use it just like any other block in the editor.